We awoke early, conscious of the fact the entire breadth and wealth of the internet was waiting with baited breath for the outcome of the Great Prawn Wager. Setting off outside of the protected confines of Pender Harbour, the Last Mango cruised in search of concrete verification of the otherwise dubiously conflicting weather reports. White horses were in view as we searched frantically for our prawn traps - Dan's psychic abilities allowing us insight into the current haul: "Yep, five and a dead one". However, much to our astonishment and Dan's dismay, our haul was slightly better and as David gave a roar of satisfaction we counted out 46 of the little beauties. After that, and an encouraging conclusion of fair weather, we set off up to Lund where Dad negotiated a very fine manoevering procedure to dock us at the marina. After a specific search in the general store, most of the Last Mango crew set off on the Lund Loop allowing us a chance to show the Captain our exceptional orienteering skills but unfortunately we got lost and ended up navigating some treacherous rocks and trespassing onto private property. Only for the grace of the pleasant Lund Locals did we make it back to the harbour without being eaten by a mink (or a big fat cat as Joanna pointed out) and we were only happy to be back on the boat and preparing the prawns for the frying pan. Susie's feast was well worth the resultant smoke inhalation and we savoured each juicy bit, then bedded down for dreams of prancing prawns.
At this point Congratulations are in order for two of David's daughter, Victoria's, closest friends from London - Selina and Emily, who were both engaged to their respective other halves over the hot April weekend in England! Love and luck to you both from the Last Mango!! xxx
Apparently we may be out of radio contact for a couple of days up Desolation Sound, so more from the youngsters later...
Paul welcomed the newest crew member by giving him a Chinese burn |
What was that log joke again? |
Our Prawn Haul |
The Last Mango making herself at home in Lund harbour |
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